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Hybrid seed production in castor pdf
This profile envisages the establishment of a castor bean farm & a plant for the production of Castor Oil with a capacity of 270 tonnes per annum. The present demand for the proposed product is estimated at 1,000 tonnes per annum.
Hybrid Seed Production in Difference Crops: • Floral biology, seed production planning, land and isolating requirements, wild pollinators, special agronomic practices, maintenance of varietals purity, field
practices hybrid castor seed production can generate a net profit of about Rs 44,180 per acre as against Rs.8, 155/- in the normal bulk crop. Same was shown in the following table.
FAO’s role in seeds. FAO plays a lead role in strengthening the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture through policy assistance, technical support and awareness raising.
Agronomy Journal • Volume 104, Issue 4 • 2012 853 Review & Interpretation A Review on the Challenges for Increased Production of Castor
Ricinus communis, the castor bean or castor oil plant, is a species of perennial flowering plant in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. It is the sole species in the monotypic genus , Ricinus , …
Castor seed production can be successfully taken up on any type of soil provided they are fairly deep, fertile and well drained. In general all castor genotypes more particularly the female lines cannot tolerate alkalinity/salinity hence avoid such problematic soils.
practicability of indigenous castor seeds for production of biodiesel and partial replacement of petro diesel. The crude oil was extracted with the help of mechanical expeller and free fatty acids were reduced with acid esterification and biodiesel produced through transesterification process. The total quantity of extracted crude oil from castor seeds was 45.8%, press cake 40% and losses 14.2
Foundation seed is the progeny of breeder seed and is required to be produced from breeder seed or from foundation seed which can be clearly traced to breeder seed. The responsibility for production of foundation seed has been entrusted to the NSC, SFCI, State Seeds Corporation, State Departments of Agriculture and private seed producers, who have the necessary infrastructure facilities
Abstract. Hybrid varieties are the first-generation offspring of a cross between parents with contrasting genotypes. A hybrid variety differs from a variety produced by hybridization as described in Chapter 10 for self-pollinated crops.
A tonne of castor seed generated about 53% of kernel for LSV compared to 49% kernel in SSV indicating a higher waste stream for SSV. The fibrous seed coat …
Castor Seed Report astor (Ricinus communis L.) is a non edible oilseed, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. India is the leader in global castor production and dominates in international castor …
1 Report on Orientation Training on Hybrid Seed Production in Castor ICAR – Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500030
Castor seed Seasonal Report 2008 Karvy Commodities
Study on consumer behaviour of the farmers and market
hybrid seed production in castor SlideShare
area and 82 per cent of castor seed production of the country. The productivity is highest in Gujarat because more than 90 per cent cultivated areas are under castor hybrids grown under irrigated condition. The hybrids are well adopted by the farmers because of their high production potentiality over local varieties and the crop becoming very remunerative to the farmers. Gujarat is pioneer in
Interested in Oil / Biofuel crop cultivation? No, matter, whether you have got access to small scale or large scale castor seed oil production project, Now you have easy access to plant world’s most high productivity oil crop AGF HYBRID CASTOR SEEDS.
In order to better solve the castor hybrid seed production, low yield, low purity, high cost, low recovery rate of F1 male four big problems, successful research in 2006 ” alien three ” law of castor hybrid seed production of patented technology, to improve the purity of hybrid seed production in 30%, increased to more than 95%, the production cost decreased 30%, male recovery rate more than
Certified Production of Hybrid Canola and Rapeseed . 5 – 2. 5.2 . SEED REQUIREMENTS. 5.2.1 Breeder or Foundation status seed must be used to establish all stands of Hybrid Canola and Hybrid Rapeseed for pedigreeing. 5.2.2 The direction of the cross of a Hybrid Canola or Hybrid Rapeseed or composite variety must remain unchanged throughout the certification of the variety unless adequate …
Castor seed oil (Ricinus communis) is a prominent feed stock towards the generation of renewable materials for industrial production. The reach presence of ricinoleic fatty acid at 87.5% provides pendant hydroxyl functional
A field experiment was conducted at Main Pearl millet Research Station, JAU, Jamnagar, in a required isolation with 3:1 row ratio of female (JP-65) and male (JI-96) parents of castor hybrid GCH-6 in three dates of sowing (1st fortnight of August, September and October) during kharif seasons of 2007 and 2008 to study the effect of chemicals on
Castor seed Seasonal Report Castor (Ricinus communis L.) is a non edible oilseed, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. India is the leader in global castor production and dominates in international castor …
ECONOMICS OF HYBRID SEED PRODUCTION: In general the production of hybrid castor is a good beneficial preposition. We obtained total of 540 kg of hybrid seeds (from female parent) and 300 kg of DCS-9 (male parent) seeds and were sent to DOR, Hyderabad. They did the final cleaning and sieving and obtained 434 kg of good quality hybrid seeds and 285 kg seed of DCS-9. An expenditure of Rs. …
Adoption of Recommanded Hybrid Castor Production
Experiences Castor Hybrid Seed Production India (Gujarat) world leader in castor production & Productivity Gujarat is Seed Hub for Castor Hybrid Seed Production – 1970 Hybrid Seed Quantity : 5500 to 6000 MT yearly Hybrids have impacted on productivity: 350 Kg in 1960 to 2000 Kg in 2013. S-type environmental sensitive female used Major factor for high rejection Seed Rejected in GPA: 42 …
As castor is highly cross pollinated crop and cytoplasmic male sterility system is not yet reported, the possible impurities in hybrid seed are selfing of female parent and pollination of female
the lion’s share in production of castor seed worldwide. Production has increased sharply over a last decade from 4.28 lakh tonnes in 2002-03 to over 23.15 lakh tonnes in 2011-12.
regarding recommended hybrid castor production technology. Cent per cent of the hybrid castor growers Cent per cent of the hybrid castor growers had good knowledge regarding castor cultivation practices viz., land preparation, interculturing, manual
Seeds FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the
area under castor cultivation and hybrid seed production by GSSCL were collected from GSSCL, Gandhinagar. The estimated seed requirement (demand) was calculated @ 5 Kg/ha seed rate which is recommended seed rate for castor hybrid by S.D. Agricultural University and to find dealers margin of hybrid castor seed, popularly available brands in the market were enlisted and the questionnaire was
production of castor seeds in Gujarat during 2007-08 is 6,51,000 tones, it has increased by 32% as compared to previous year. (Anonymous.2007-08) Recent data of area and production of the district shows that, areas under castor cultivation have been increased however the yield is downfall year by year. Therefore, there is a wide gap between the average yield of farmer’s field and the
hybrid seed production in castor by dlagoriya in Topics > Books – Fiction
The growing of hybrid castor seeds is slowing increasing due to good market prices for the seeds. It can protect burns and wounds from infection. It can protect burns and wounds from infection. The land to be used for seed production of this purpose must be free from volunteer plants.
quality hybrid seed production by regulation of sex expression in castor (ricinus communis l.) Publisher: ACHARYA N.G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, RAJENDRANAGAR, HYDERABAD
CASTOR (Ricinus communis SeedNet
Castor oil is extracted from the seed of the castor oil plant, whose botanical name is ricinus communis. While it was Cayce who brought castor oil packs to fame in the 20th century, the oil has a long and varied history of use as a healing agent in folk medicine around the world. According to a research report in a recent issue of the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, castor bean seeds
Land to be used for seed production shall be free of volunteer plants. In addition the field should be well- drained and soil well aerated. Castor is an often cross- pollinated crop. Cross-pollination by wind varies from 5 to 36 percent according to the prevailing climatic conditions. For pure seed
Castor Varieties:- The varieties (cultivars) of castor differ in the branching habits of plant, colour of the stem and branches, the nature of capsules , duration, the size of seed and oil content. Here are some of the high yielding castor varieties available in India; NPH-1, GAUCH-4, YRCH 1,TMV 5, TMV 6, CO 1 …
hybrid canola seed production aims to produce seed with hybrid vigour from the first cross of two distinct parent varieties; it is a labour intensive and expensive process. the ‘female’ parent, which produces the hybrid seed, is male sterile; that is, its flowers have no pollen. this ensures seed is only produced by out-crossing with another ‘male’ as it cannot self-pollinate. Bees are
yield and seed yield followed by DCS-9 variety, GCH-4 hybrid, DCH-177 hybrid and 48-1 variety. However, local green and local pink castor varieties had inferior values for all these attributes. Keywords: Castor, eri silkworm, hybrids, Ricinus communis , varieties.
of temperature regimes is a prerequisite for hybrid seed production. Taking the programme of hybrid castor to logical ends choice of suitable parents through careful and critical evaluation of current
Seed yields reached unexpected high values, up to 4.44 Mg ha −1 thus revealing that castor might be a very attractive species for oil production in the Mediterranean basin. The presence of green racemes with immature seeds at harvest (mid-September to mid-October) should be reduced as much as possible either by selecting appropriate hybrid earliness for specific sites and by applying plant
Land requirement Castor seed production can be successfully taken up on any type of soil provided they are fairly deep, fertile and well drained. In general, all castor genotypes more particularly the female lines cannot tolerate alkalinity/salinity hence avoid such problematic soils. Medium to deep sandy loams and heavy loams are ideally suited for seed production. 17
CASToR (Ricinus communis L.) HYBRIDS I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification Standards The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together with the following specific standards constitute the standards for certi-fication of hybrid castor seed. II. Land Requirements Land to be used for seed production of hybrid castor shall be free of volunteer plants. III
Global castor seed production is about 1 million tons per year. India top, accounting for more than 60% of the global yield. Followed by China and Brazil.Ricin is widely grown crop in Ethiopia. 70% of the supply in China is due to the increase in the demand of the domestic industry, the need to …neuroscience and the brain pdfProduction Technology. Some of important technical aspects of hybrid seed production of important field crops are as below:
SEED PRODUCTION IN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS OF CASTOR . Castor and its speciality Castor is a cross pollinated crop, and wind pollinated. protogynous
Castor Cultivation Information Guide Agri Farming
India is the world’s largest producer of castor seed and meets most of the global demand for castor oil, contributing over 60% of the entire global production. The shiny seeds of castor plants have very beautiful and intricate designs.
Demonstrate the production of Castor bean and Jatropha on mined bauxite soils to the farming community Castor seed stored at 5 to 7. 0. C temperature for 6 months reduced the germination from 93 to 3%. • Introduction of foundation seed from Brazil in order to maintain seed viability and varietal integrity. Improvngi Lives Through Agrciultura lResearch . Land preparation • Plough or
Study of Heterosis for Seed Yield and its Component Traits in Castor [Ricinus communis L.] K.G. Kugashiya1*, production and productivity of castor in India during 2014-15 were 11.05 lakh ha, 17.33 lakh tonnes and 1568 kg/ha, respectively (Anonymous, 2015). Nature and magnitude of heterosis is one of the important aspects for selection of the right parents for crosses and also help in
safflower sun flower, Castor mustard etc. Fibres like Cotton, Kenaf, Jute etc. Major breeding procedures for development of hybrids / varieties of various crops. Plant Genetic resources their conservation and utilization in crop improvement. Ideotype concept in crop improvement. Breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses; variability in pathogens and pests. Mechanisms of resistance
large scale hybrid seed production demands quality control in both parental and hybrid seed production stages. As castor is a highly cross pollinated crop, pollen of unknown parent may contaminate the female parent during hybrid seed production, leading to decline in genetic purity. Apart from this, selfing of female parent is another source of contamination since cytoplasmic genetic male
Mixing Jatropha and Castor can reduce production risks and during an upstart phase Castor can give full yields in the first year(s) whereas Jatropha yields will reach their maximum yield after five to eight years. The low value of the seed cake due to its toxicity reduces the overall profitability of Castor compared to non-toxic oil crops where the press cake can be sold as a high-protein
Production of Hybrid Castor Seed: For production of single cross hybrid seed, lines giving a 1:1 ratio of pistil late and heterozygous monoecious plants are used. In the crossing plot the latter are rogued out one to five days before flowering begins.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(11): 3694-3697 3696 Table.1 Growth and yield attributing characters of castor hybrid DCH 519 as influenced by plant density during 2015 and 2016 seasons
Castor oil, Ricinuscommunis L., (castor bean, castor, castor oilplant, ricin, higuerilla,mamona, mamoeira, palmachristi) is amember of the tropical spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) andcan nowadays be found naturalized and cultivated in alltemperate countries of the world.
hybrid seed production of castor ppt manufacturers and hybrid seed production of castor ppt suppliers Directory – Find hybrid seed production of castor ppt Manufacturers, Exporters and hybrid seed production of castor ppt suppliers on
Castor Crop Information Castor Oil World
Effect of chemicals on sex expression growth CAB Direct
7/09/2016 · Castor oil, produced from castor beans, has long been considered to be of important commercial value primarily for the manufacturing of soaps, lubricants, and coatings, among others. Global castor oil production is concentrated primarily in a small geographic region of Gujarat in Western India. This
Orientation Training on Hybrid Seed Production in Castor Hybrid Castor Seed is available for sale from 02.05.2018 List of candidates appeared for the T-1 Examination
Demonstrate the production of Castor bean and Jatropha on mined bauxite soils to the farming community The castor bean plant (Ricinus communis) has been cultivated for centuries • Thought to be native to tropical Africa and India • Seeds contain 35 to 55% oil, depending on variety • The oil has been made famous all over the world for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties
Castor is a fast growing ever-green shrub that produces seeds with a high oil content (35-55%). Cold pressing yields 30-36% oil measured by weight. Warm pressing (>70°C) yields 38-48%.
Production and Characterization of Biodiesel from Ricinus Communis Seeds Okechukwu R.I., Iwuchukwu A.C. and Anuforo H.U. Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, NIGERIA
A Review on the Challenges for Increased Production of Castor
Article Hybrid seed production of castor hybrid DCH-177
Biodiesel Production from Castor Seeds by Reactive

Production and Characterization of Biodiesel from Ricinus
meigs and meigs accounting 17th edition pdf

(PDF) Genetic purity assessment of castor hybrids using

Castor bean Production
Castor Hybrid Seed Production India Experiences Dr. PP
Breeding Hybrids SpringerLink
Optimizing Plant Density for Promising Castor Hybrid DCH 519
Demand Supply Gap and Dealers’ Margin for Hybrid Castor
CASTOR.docx Flowers Petal

Production and Characterization of Biodiesel from

Breeding Hybrids SpringerLink

Certified Production of Hybrid Canola and Rapeseed . 5 – 2. 5.2 . SEED REQUIREMENTS. 5.2.1 Breeder or Foundation status seed must be used to establish all stands of Hybrid Canola and Hybrid Rapeseed for pedigreeing. 5.2.2 The direction of the cross of a Hybrid Canola or Hybrid Rapeseed or composite variety must remain unchanged throughout the certification of the variety unless adequate …
Production of Hybrid Castor Seed: For production of single cross hybrid seed, lines giving a 1:1 ratio of pistil late and heterozygous monoecious plants are used. In the crossing plot the latter are rogued out one to five days before flowering begins.
Castor Varieties:- The varieties (cultivars) of castor differ in the branching habits of plant, colour of the stem and branches, the nature of capsules , duration, the size of seed and oil content. Here are some of the high yielding castor varieties available in India; NPH-1, GAUCH-4, YRCH 1,TMV 5, TMV 6, CO 1 …

ISSN Online Evaluation of castor hybrids / varieties
CASTOR.docx Flowers Petal

A tonne of castor seed generated about 53% of kernel for LSV compared to 49% kernel in SSV indicating a higher waste stream for SSV. The fibrous seed coat …
practicability of indigenous castor seeds for production of biodiesel and partial replacement of petro diesel. The crude oil was extracted with the help of mechanical expeller and free fatty acids were reduced with acid esterification and biodiesel produced through transesterification process. The total quantity of extracted crude oil from castor seeds was 45.8%, press cake 40% and losses 14.2
As castor is highly cross pollinated crop and cytoplasmic male sterility system is not yet reported, the possible impurities in hybrid seed are selfing of female parent and pollination of female
ECONOMICS OF HYBRID SEED PRODUCTION: In general the production of hybrid castor is a good beneficial preposition. We obtained total of 540 kg of hybrid seeds (from female parent) and 300 kg of DCS-9 (male parent) seeds and were sent to DOR, Hyderabad. They did the final cleaning and sieving and obtained 434 kg of good quality hybrid seeds and 285 kg seed of DCS-9. An expenditure of Rs. …
of temperature regimes is a prerequisite for hybrid seed production. Taking the programme of hybrid castor to logical ends choice of suitable parents through careful and critical evaluation of current
The growing of hybrid castor seeds is slowing increasing due to good market prices for the seeds. It can protect burns and wounds from infection. It can protect burns and wounds from infection. The land to be used for seed production of this purpose must be free from volunteer plants.

Effect of chemicals on sex expression growth CAB Direct
Castor Oil Properties Uses and Optimization of

A field experiment was conducted at Main Pearl millet Research Station, JAU, Jamnagar, in a required isolation with 3:1 row ratio of female (JP-65) and male (JI-96) parents of castor hybrid GCH-6 in three dates of sowing (1st fortnight of August, September and October) during kharif seasons of 2007 and 2008 to study the effect of chemicals on
Castor seed Seasonal Report Castor (Ricinus communis L.) is a non edible oilseed, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. India is the leader in global castor production and dominates in international castor …
Interested in Oil / Biofuel crop cultivation? No, matter, whether you have got access to small scale or large scale castor seed oil production project, Now you have easy access to plant world’s most high productivity oil crop AGF HYBRID CASTOR SEEDS.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(11): 3694-3697 3696 Table.1 Growth and yield attributing characters of castor hybrid DCH 519 as influenced by plant density during 2015 and 2016 seasons
Castor Seed Report astor (Ricinus communis L.) is a non edible oilseed, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. India is the leader in global castor production and dominates in international castor …
of temperature regimes is a prerequisite for hybrid seed production. Taking the programme of hybrid castor to logical ends choice of suitable parents through careful and critical evaluation of current
Castor Varieties:- The varieties (cultivars) of castor differ in the branching habits of plant, colour of the stem and branches, the nature of capsules , duration, the size of seed and oil content. Here are some of the high yielding castor varieties available in India; NPH-1, GAUCH-4, YRCH 1,TMV 5, TMV 6, CO 1 …
Castor is a fast growing ever-green shrub that produces seeds with a high oil content (35-55%). Cold pressing yields 30-36% oil measured by weight. Warm pressing (>70°C) yields 38-48%.
safflower sun flower, Castor mustard etc. Fibres like Cotton, Kenaf, Jute etc. Major breeding procedures for development of hybrids / varieties of various crops. Plant Genetic resources their conservation and utilization in crop improvement. Ideotype concept in crop improvement. Breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses; variability in pathogens and pests. Mechanisms of resistance
FAO’s role in seeds. FAO plays a lead role in strengthening the conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture through policy assistance, technical support and awareness raising.
practices hybrid castor seed production can generate a net profit of about Rs 44,180 per acre as against Rs.8, 155/- in the normal bulk crop. Same was shown in the following table.
Global castor seed production is about 1 million tons per year. India top, accounting for more than 60% of the global yield. Followed by China and Brazil.Ricin is widely grown crop in Ethiopia. 70% of the supply in China is due to the increase in the demand of the domestic industry, the need to …
Hybrid Seed Production in Difference Crops: • Floral biology, seed production planning, land and isolating requirements, wild pollinators, special agronomic practices, maintenance of varietals purity, field
A tonne of castor seed generated about 53% of kernel for LSV compared to 49% kernel in SSV indicating a higher waste stream for SSV. The fibrous seed coat …

Effect of chemicals on sex expression growth CAB Direct
Castor Crop Information Castor Oil World

hybrid canola seed production aims to produce seed with hybrid vigour from the first cross of two distinct parent varieties; it is a labour intensive and expensive process. the ‘female’ parent, which produces the hybrid seed, is male sterile; that is, its flowers have no pollen. this ensures seed is only produced by out-crossing with another ‘male’ as it cannot self-pollinate. Bees are
1 Report on Orientation Training on Hybrid Seed Production in Castor ICAR – Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500030
As castor is highly cross pollinated crop and cytoplasmic male sterility system is not yet reported, the possible impurities in hybrid seed are selfing of female parent and pollination of female
Castor oil is extracted from the seed of the castor oil plant, whose botanical name is ricinus communis. While it was Cayce who brought castor oil packs to fame in the 20th century, the oil has a long and varied history of use as a healing agent in folk medicine around the world. According to a research report in a recent issue of the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, castor bean seeds
Production Technology. Some of important technical aspects of hybrid seed production of important field crops are as below:
Castor seed production can be successfully taken up on any type of soil provided they are fairly deep, fertile and well drained. In general all castor genotypes more particularly the female lines cannot tolerate alkalinity/salinity hence avoid such problematic soils.
Global castor seed production is about 1 million tons per year. India top, accounting for more than 60% of the global yield. Followed by China and Brazil.Ricin is widely grown crop in Ethiopia. 70% of the supply in China is due to the increase in the demand of the domestic industry, the need to …
Certified Production of Hybrid Canola and Rapeseed . 5 – 2. 5.2 . SEED REQUIREMENTS. 5.2.1 Breeder or Foundation status seed must be used to establish all stands of Hybrid Canola and Hybrid Rapeseed for pedigreeing. 5.2.2 The direction of the cross of a Hybrid Canola or Hybrid Rapeseed or composite variety must remain unchanged throughout the certification of the variety unless adequate …
Seed yields reached unexpected high values, up to 4.44 Mg ha −1 thus revealing that castor might be a very attractive species for oil production in the Mediterranean basin. The presence of green racemes with immature seeds at harvest (mid-September to mid-October) should be reduced as much as possible either by selecting appropriate hybrid earliness for specific sites and by applying plant
regarding recommended hybrid castor production technology. Cent per cent of the hybrid castor growers Cent per cent of the hybrid castor growers had good knowledge regarding castor cultivation practices viz., land preparation, interculturing, manual
area and 82 per cent of castor seed production of the country. The productivity is highest in Gujarat because more than 90 per cent cultivated areas are under castor hybrids grown under irrigated condition. The hybrids are well adopted by the farmers because of their high production potentiality over local varieties and the crop becoming very remunerative to the farmers. Gujarat is pioneer in
This profile envisages the establishment of a castor bean farm & a plant for the production of Castor Oil with a capacity of 270 tonnes per annum. The present demand for the proposed product is estimated at 1,000 tonnes per annum.

Production and Characterization of Biodiesel from

Certified Production of Hybrid Canola and Rapeseed . 5 – 2. 5.2 . SEED REQUIREMENTS. 5.2.1 Breeder or Foundation status seed must be used to establish all stands of Hybrid Canola and Hybrid Rapeseed for pedigreeing. 5.2.2 The direction of the cross of a Hybrid Canola or Hybrid Rapeseed or composite variety must remain unchanged throughout the certification of the variety unless adequate …
Orientation Training on Hybrid Seed Production in Castor Hybrid Castor Seed is available for sale from 02.05.2018 List of candidates appeared for the T-1 Examination
Agronomy Journal • Volume 104, Issue 4 • 2012 853 Review & Interpretation A Review on the Challenges for Increased Production of Castor
Seed yields reached unexpected high values, up to 4.44 Mg ha −1 thus revealing that castor might be a very attractive species for oil production in the Mediterranean basin. The presence of green racemes with immature seeds at harvest (mid-September to mid-October) should be reduced as much as possible either by selecting appropriate hybrid earliness for specific sites and by applying plant
Ricinus communis, the castor bean or castor oil plant, is a species of perennial flowering plant in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. It is the sole species in the monotypic genus , Ricinus , …
Abstract. Hybrid varieties are the first-generation offspring of a cross between parents with contrasting genotypes. A hybrid variety differs from a variety produced by hybridization as described in Chapter 10 for self-pollinated crops.
7/09/2016 · Castor oil, produced from castor beans, has long been considered to be of important commercial value primarily for the manufacturing of soaps, lubricants, and coatings, among others. Global castor oil production is concentrated primarily in a small geographic region of Gujarat in Western India. This
Mixing Jatropha and Castor can reduce production risks and during an upstart phase Castor can give full yields in the first year(s) whereas Jatropha yields will reach their maximum yield after five to eight years. The low value of the seed cake due to its toxicity reduces the overall profitability of Castor compared to non-toxic oil crops where the press cake can be sold as a high-protein
Castor Seed Report astor (Ricinus communis L.) is a non edible oilseed, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. India is the leader in global castor production and dominates in international castor …
Production and Characterization of Biodiesel from Ricinus Communis Seeds Okechukwu R.I., Iwuchukwu A.C. and Anuforo H.U. Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, NIGERIA
As castor is highly cross pollinated crop and cytoplasmic male sterility system is not yet reported, the possible impurities in hybrid seed are selfing of female parent and pollination of female

Effect of chemicals on sex expression growth CAB Direct

Castor seed oil (Ricinus communis) is a prominent feed stock towards the generation of renewable materials for industrial production. The reach presence of ricinoleic fatty acid at 87.5% provides pendant hydroxyl functional
ECONOMICS OF HYBRID SEED PRODUCTION: In general the production of hybrid castor is a good beneficial preposition. We obtained total of 540 kg of hybrid seeds (from female parent) and 300 kg of DCS-9 (male parent) seeds and were sent to DOR, Hyderabad. They did the final cleaning and sieving and obtained 434 kg of good quality hybrid seeds and 285 kg seed of DCS-9. An expenditure of Rs. …
Production and Characterization of Biodiesel from Ricinus Communis Seeds Okechukwu R.I., Iwuchukwu A.C. and Anuforo H.U. Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, NIGERIA
regarding recommended hybrid castor production technology. Cent per cent of the hybrid castor growers Cent per cent of the hybrid castor growers had good knowledge regarding castor cultivation practices viz., land preparation, interculturing, manual
Castor oil is extracted from the seed of the castor oil plant, whose botanical name is ricinus communis. While it was Cayce who brought castor oil packs to fame in the 20th century, the oil has a long and varied history of use as a healing agent in folk medicine around the world. According to a research report in a recent issue of the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, castor bean seeds
Production of Hybrid Castor Seed: For production of single cross hybrid seed, lines giving a 1:1 ratio of pistil late and heterozygous monoecious plants are used. In the crossing plot the latter are rogued out one to five days before flowering begins.
Certified Production of Hybrid Canola and Rapeseed . 5 – 2. 5.2 . SEED REQUIREMENTS. 5.2.1 Breeder or Foundation status seed must be used to establish all stands of Hybrid Canola and Hybrid Rapeseed for pedigreeing. 5.2.2 The direction of the cross of a Hybrid Canola or Hybrid Rapeseed or composite variety must remain unchanged throughout the certification of the variety unless adequate …
A tonne of castor seed generated about 53% of kernel for LSV compared to 49% kernel in SSV indicating a higher waste stream for SSV. The fibrous seed coat …

Breeding Hybrids SpringerLink
Castor seed Seasonal Report 2008 Karvy Commodities

regarding recommended hybrid castor production technology. Cent per cent of the hybrid castor growers Cent per cent of the hybrid castor growers had good knowledge regarding castor cultivation practices viz., land preparation, interculturing, manual
Demonstrate the production of Castor bean and Jatropha on mined bauxite soils to the farming community Castor seed stored at 5 to 7. 0. C temperature for 6 months reduced the germination from 93 to 3%. • Introduction of foundation seed from Brazil in order to maintain seed viability and varietal integrity. Improvngi Lives Through Agrciultura lResearch . Land preparation • Plough or
practicability of indigenous castor seeds for production of biodiesel and partial replacement of petro diesel. The crude oil was extracted with the help of mechanical expeller and free fatty acids were reduced with acid esterification and biodiesel produced through transesterification process. The total quantity of extracted crude oil from castor seeds was 45.8%, press cake 40% and losses 14.2
Castor oil is extracted from the seed of the castor oil plant, whose botanical name is ricinus communis. While it was Cayce who brought castor oil packs to fame in the 20th century, the oil has a long and varied history of use as a healing agent in folk medicine around the world. According to a research report in a recent issue of the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, castor bean seeds
India is the world’s largest producer of castor seed and meets most of the global demand for castor oil, contributing over 60% of the entire global production. The shiny seeds of castor plants have very beautiful and intricate designs.
hybrid canola seed production aims to produce seed with hybrid vigour from the first cross of two distinct parent varieties; it is a labour intensive and expensive process. the ‘female’ parent, which produces the hybrid seed, is male sterile; that is, its flowers have no pollen. this ensures seed is only produced by out-crossing with another ‘male’ as it cannot self-pollinate. Bees are
area and 82 per cent of castor seed production of the country. The productivity is highest in Gujarat because more than 90 per cent cultivated areas are under castor hybrids grown under irrigated condition. The hybrids are well adopted by the farmers because of their high production potentiality over local varieties and the crop becoming very remunerative to the farmers. Gujarat is pioneer in
hybrid seed production of castor ppt manufacturers and hybrid seed production of castor ppt suppliers Directory – Find hybrid seed production of castor ppt Manufacturers, Exporters and hybrid seed production of castor ppt suppliers on
quality hybrid seed production by regulation of sex expression in castor (ricinus communis l.) Publisher: ACHARYA N.G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, RAJENDRANAGAR, HYDERABAD
Demonstrate the production of Castor bean and Jatropha on mined bauxite soils to the farming community The castor bean plant (Ricinus communis) has been cultivated for centuries • Thought to be native to tropical Africa and India • Seeds contain 35 to 55% oil, depending on variety • The oil has been made famous all over the world for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties
yield and seed yield followed by DCS-9 variety, GCH-4 hybrid, DCH-177 hybrid and 48-1 variety. However, local green and local pink castor varieties had inferior values for all these attributes. Keywords: Castor, eri silkworm, hybrids, Ricinus communis , varieties.
large scale hybrid seed production demands quality control in both parental and hybrid seed production stages. As castor is a highly cross pollinated crop, pollen of unknown parent may contaminate the female parent during hybrid seed production, leading to decline in genetic purity. Apart from this, selfing of female parent is another source of contamination since cytoplasmic genetic male
Land to be used for seed production shall be free of volunteer plants. In addition the field should be well- drained and soil well aerated. Castor is an often cross- pollinated crop. Cross-pollination by wind varies from 5 to 36 percent according to the prevailing climatic conditions. For pure seed

Report on Orientation Training on Hybrid Seed Production
Castor Cultivation Information Guide Agri Farming

hybrid canola seed production aims to produce seed with hybrid vigour from the first cross of two distinct parent varieties; it is a labour intensive and expensive process. the ‘female’ parent, which produces the hybrid seed, is male sterile; that is, its flowers have no pollen. this ensures seed is only produced by out-crossing with another ‘male’ as it cannot self-pollinate. Bees are
production of castor seeds in Gujarat during 2007-08 is 6,51,000 tones, it has increased by 32% as compared to previous year. (Anonymous.2007-08) Recent data of area and production of the district shows that, areas under castor cultivation have been increased however the yield is downfall year by year. Therefore, there is a wide gap between the average yield of farmer’s field and the
Abstract. Hybrid varieties are the first-generation offspring of a cross between parents with contrasting genotypes. A hybrid variety differs from a variety produced by hybridization as described in Chapter 10 for self-pollinated crops.
yield and seed yield followed by DCS-9 variety, GCH-4 hybrid, DCH-177 hybrid and 48-1 variety. However, local green and local pink castor varieties had inferior values for all these attributes. Keywords: Castor, eri silkworm, hybrids, Ricinus communis , varieties.
hybrid seed production of castor ppt manufacturers and hybrid seed production of castor ppt suppliers Directory – Find hybrid seed production of castor ppt Manufacturers, Exporters and hybrid seed production of castor ppt suppliers on
Orientation Training on Hybrid Seed Production in Castor Hybrid Castor Seed is available for sale from 02.05.2018 List of candidates appeared for the T-1 Examination
This profile envisages the establishment of a castor bean farm & a plant for the production of Castor Oil with a capacity of 270 tonnes per annum. The present demand for the proposed product is estimated at 1,000 tonnes per annum.
Castor seed Seasonal Report Castor (Ricinus communis L.) is a non edible oilseed, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. India is the leader in global castor production and dominates in international castor …
the lion’s share in production of castor seed worldwide. Production has increased sharply over a last decade from 4.28 lakh tonnes in 2002-03 to over 23.15 lakh tonnes in 2011-12.
large scale hybrid seed production demands quality control in both parental and hybrid seed production stages. As castor is a highly cross pollinated crop, pollen of unknown parent may contaminate the female parent during hybrid seed production, leading to decline in genetic purity. Apart from this, selfing of female parent is another source of contamination since cytoplasmic genetic male
India is the world’s largest producer of castor seed and meets most of the global demand for castor oil, contributing over 60% of the entire global production. The shiny seeds of castor plants have very beautiful and intricate designs.
CASToR (Ricinus communis L.) HYBRIDS I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification Standards The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together with the following specific standards constitute the standards for certi-fication of hybrid castor seed. II. Land Requirements Land to be used for seed production of hybrid castor shall be free of volunteer plants. III
quality hybrid seed production by regulation of sex expression in castor (ricinus communis l.) Publisher: ACHARYA N.G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, RAJENDRANAGAR, HYDERABAD

hybrid seed production in castor SlideShare
Castor Seed Report C Ricinus communis L.)

Demonstrate the production of Castor bean and Jatropha on mined bauxite soils to the farming community The castor bean plant (Ricinus communis) has been cultivated for centuries • Thought to be native to tropical Africa and India • Seeds contain 35 to 55% oil, depending on variety • The oil has been made famous all over the world for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties
CASToR (Ricinus communis L.) HYBRIDS I. Application and Amplification of General Seed Certification Standards The General Seed Certification Standards are basic and, together with the following specific standards constitute the standards for certi-fication of hybrid castor seed. II. Land Requirements Land to be used for seed production of hybrid castor shall be free of volunteer plants. III
ECONOMICS OF HYBRID SEED PRODUCTION: In general the production of hybrid castor is a good beneficial preposition. We obtained total of 540 kg of hybrid seeds (from female parent) and 300 kg of DCS-9 (male parent) seeds and were sent to DOR, Hyderabad. They did the final cleaning and sieving and obtained 434 kg of good quality hybrid seeds and 285 kg seed of DCS-9. An expenditure of Rs. …
Orientation Training on Hybrid Seed Production in Castor Hybrid Castor Seed is available for sale from 02.05.2018 List of candidates appeared for the T-1 Examination
Mixing Jatropha and Castor can reduce production risks and during an upstart phase Castor can give full yields in the first year(s) whereas Jatropha yields will reach their maximum yield after five to eight years. The low value of the seed cake due to its toxicity reduces the overall profitability of Castor compared to non-toxic oil crops where the press cake can be sold as a high-protein
Interested in Oil / Biofuel crop cultivation? No, matter, whether you have got access to small scale or large scale castor seed oil production project, Now you have easy access to plant world’s most high productivity oil crop AGF HYBRID CASTOR SEEDS.
Land to be used for seed production shall be free of volunteer plants. In addition the field should be well- drained and soil well aerated. Castor is an often cross- pollinated crop. Cross-pollination by wind varies from 5 to 36 percent according to the prevailing climatic conditions. For pure seed
Castor Varieties:- The varieties (cultivars) of castor differ in the branching habits of plant, colour of the stem and branches, the nature of capsules , duration, the size of seed and oil content. Here are some of the high yielding castor varieties available in India; NPH-1, GAUCH-4, YRCH 1,TMV 5, TMV 6, CO 1 …
Production Technology. Some of important technical aspects of hybrid seed production of important field crops are as below:
In order to better solve the castor hybrid seed production, low yield, low purity, high cost, low recovery rate of F1 male four big problems, successful research in 2006 ” alien three ” law of castor hybrid seed production of patented technology, to improve the purity of hybrid seed production in 30%, increased to more than 95%, the production cost decreased 30%, male recovery rate more than
The growing of hybrid castor seeds is slowing increasing due to good market prices for the seeds. It can protect burns and wounds from infection. It can protect burns and wounds from infection. The land to be used for seed production of this purpose must be free from volunteer plants.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(11): 3694-3697 3696 Table.1 Growth and yield attributing characters of castor hybrid DCH 519 as influenced by plant density during 2015 and 2016 seasons

Article Hybrid seed production of castor hybrid DCH-177
Castor Seed Report C Ricinus communis L.)

Study of Heterosis for Seed Yield and its Component Traits in Castor [Ricinus communis L.] K.G. Kugashiya1*, production and productivity of castor in India during 2014-15 were 11.05 lakh ha, 17.33 lakh tonnes and 1568 kg/ha, respectively (Anonymous, 2015). Nature and magnitude of heterosis is one of the important aspects for selection of the right parents for crosses and also help in
Castor seed Seasonal Report Castor (Ricinus communis L.) is a non edible oilseed, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. India is the leader in global castor production and dominates in international castor …
practicability of indigenous castor seeds for production of biodiesel and partial replacement of petro diesel. The crude oil was extracted with the help of mechanical expeller and free fatty acids were reduced with acid esterification and biodiesel produced through transesterification process. The total quantity of extracted crude oil from castor seeds was 45.8%, press cake 40% and losses 14.2
production of castor seeds in Gujarat during 2007-08 is 6,51,000 tones, it has increased by 32% as compared to previous year. (Anonymous.2007-08) Recent data of area and production of the district shows that, areas under castor cultivation have been increased however the yield is downfall year by year. Therefore, there is a wide gap between the average yield of farmer’s field and the

Adoption of Recommanded Hybrid Castor Production

Abstract. Hybrid varieties are the first-generation offspring of a cross between parents with contrasting genotypes. A hybrid variety differs from a variety produced by hybridization as described in Chapter 10 for self-pollinated crops.
Castor Seed Report astor (Ricinus communis L.) is a non edible oilseed, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. India is the leader in global castor production and dominates in international castor …
Mixing Jatropha and Castor can reduce production risks and during an upstart phase Castor can give full yields in the first year(s) whereas Jatropha yields will reach their maximum yield after five to eight years. The low value of the seed cake due to its toxicity reduces the overall profitability of Castor compared to non-toxic oil crops where the press cake can be sold as a high-protein
safflower sun flower, Castor mustard etc. Fibres like Cotton, Kenaf, Jute etc. Major breeding procedures for development of hybrids / varieties of various crops. Plant Genetic resources their conservation and utilization in crop improvement. Ideotype concept in crop improvement. Breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses; variability in pathogens and pests. Mechanisms of resistance
hybrid seed production in castor by dlagoriya in Topics > Books – Fiction
This profile envisages the establishment of a castor bean farm & a plant for the production of Castor Oil with a capacity of 270 tonnes per annum. The present demand for the proposed product is estimated at 1,000 tonnes per annum.
Interested in Oil / Biofuel crop cultivation? No, matter, whether you have got access to small scale or large scale castor seed oil production project, Now you have easy access to plant world’s most high productivity oil crop AGF HYBRID CASTOR SEEDS.
As castor is highly cross pollinated crop and cytoplasmic male sterility system is not yet reported, the possible impurities in hybrid seed are selfing of female parent and pollination of female
ECONOMICS OF HYBRID SEED PRODUCTION: In general the production of hybrid castor is a good beneficial preposition. We obtained total of 540 kg of hybrid seeds (from female parent) and 300 kg of DCS-9 (male parent) seeds and were sent to DOR, Hyderabad. They did the final cleaning and sieving and obtained 434 kg of good quality hybrid seeds and 285 kg seed of DCS-9. An expenditure of Rs. …
Castor seed oil (Ricinus communis) is a prominent feed stock towards the generation of renewable materials for industrial production. The reach presence of ricinoleic fatty acid at 87.5% provides pendant hydroxyl functional
production of castor seeds in Gujarat during 2007-08 is 6,51,000 tones, it has increased by 32% as compared to previous year. (Anonymous.2007-08) Recent data of area and production of the district shows that, areas under castor cultivation have been increased however the yield is downfall year by year. Therefore, there is a wide gap between the average yield of farmer’s field and the
Castor Varieties:- The varieties (cultivars) of castor differ in the branching habits of plant, colour of the stem and branches, the nature of capsules , duration, the size of seed and oil content. Here are some of the high yielding castor varieties available in India; NPH-1, GAUCH-4, YRCH 1,TMV 5, TMV 6, CO 1 …
Castor oil is extracted from the seed of the castor oil plant, whose botanical name is ricinus communis. While it was Cayce who brought castor oil packs to fame in the 20th century, the oil has a long and varied history of use as a healing agent in folk medicine around the world. According to a research report in a recent issue of the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, castor bean seeds
Foundation seed is the progeny of breeder seed and is required to be produced from breeder seed or from foundation seed which can be clearly traced to breeder seed. The responsibility for production of foundation seed has been entrusted to the NSC, SFCI, State Seeds Corporation, State Departments of Agriculture and private seed producers, who have the necessary infrastructure facilities

Castor Ikisan
hybrid seed production in castor SlideShare

SEED PRODUCTION IN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS OF CASTOR . Castor and its speciality Castor is a cross pollinated crop, and wind pollinated. protogynous
Castor is a fast growing ever-green shrub that produces seeds with a high oil content (35-55%). Cold pressing yields 30-36% oil measured by weight. Warm pressing (>70°C) yields 38-48%.
production of castor seeds in Gujarat during 2007-08 is 6,51,000 tones, it has increased by 32% as compared to previous year. (Anonymous.2007-08) Recent data of area and production of the district shows that, areas under castor cultivation have been increased however the yield is downfall year by year. Therefore, there is a wide gap between the average yield of farmer’s field and the
Certified Production of Hybrid Canola and Rapeseed . 5 – 2. 5.2 . SEED REQUIREMENTS. 5.2.1 Breeder or Foundation status seed must be used to establish all stands of Hybrid Canola and Hybrid Rapeseed for pedigreeing. 5.2.2 The direction of the cross of a Hybrid Canola or Hybrid Rapeseed or composite variety must remain unchanged throughout the certification of the variety unless adequate …
Castor seed oil (Ricinus communis) is a prominent feed stock towards the generation of renewable materials for industrial production. The reach presence of ricinoleic fatty acid at 87.5% provides pendant hydroxyl functional
practicability of indigenous castor seeds for production of biodiesel and partial replacement of petro diesel. The crude oil was extracted with the help of mechanical expeller and free fatty acids were reduced with acid esterification and biodiesel produced through transesterification process. The total quantity of extracted crude oil from castor seeds was 45.8%, press cake 40% and losses 14.2
This profile envisages the establishment of a castor bean farm & a plant for the production of Castor Oil with a capacity of 270 tonnes per annum. The present demand for the proposed product is estimated at 1,000 tonnes per annum.
ECONOMICS OF HYBRID SEED PRODUCTION: In general the production of hybrid castor is a good beneficial preposition. We obtained total of 540 kg of hybrid seeds (from female parent) and 300 kg of DCS-9 (male parent) seeds and were sent to DOR, Hyderabad. They did the final cleaning and sieving and obtained 434 kg of good quality hybrid seeds and 285 kg seed of DCS-9. An expenditure of Rs. …
Castor Seed Report astor (Ricinus communis L.) is a non edible oilseed, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. India is the leader in global castor production and dominates in international castor …
Land to be used for seed production shall be free of volunteer plants. In addition the field should be well- drained and soil well aerated. Castor is an often cross- pollinated crop. Cross-pollination by wind varies from 5 to 36 percent according to the prevailing climatic conditions. For pure seed
yield and seed yield followed by DCS-9 variety, GCH-4 hybrid, DCH-177 hybrid and 48-1 variety. However, local green and local pink castor varieties had inferior values for all these attributes. Keywords: Castor, eri silkworm, hybrids, Ricinus communis , varieties.
hybrid canola seed production aims to produce seed with hybrid vigour from the first cross of two distinct parent varieties; it is a labour intensive and expensive process. the ‘female’ parent, which produces the hybrid seed, is male sterile; that is, its flowers have no pollen. this ensures seed is only produced by out-crossing with another ‘male’ as it cannot self-pollinate. Bees are
Castor oil is extracted from the seed of the castor oil plant, whose botanical name is ricinus communis. While it was Cayce who brought castor oil packs to fame in the 20th century, the oil has a long and varied history of use as a healing agent in folk medicine around the world. According to a research report in a recent issue of the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, castor bean seeds
Orientation Training on Hybrid Seed Production in Castor Hybrid Castor Seed is available for sale from 02.05.2018 List of candidates appeared for the T-1 Examination

Production Technology Super Seeds
Study on consumer behaviour of the farmers and market

large scale hybrid seed production demands quality control in both parental and hybrid seed production stages. As castor is a highly cross pollinated crop, pollen of unknown parent may contaminate the female parent during hybrid seed production, leading to decline in genetic purity. Apart from this, selfing of female parent is another source of contamination since cytoplasmic genetic male
Hybrid Seed Production in Difference Crops: • Floral biology, seed production planning, land and isolating requirements, wild pollinators, special agronomic practices, maintenance of varietals purity, field
of temperature regimes is a prerequisite for hybrid seed production. Taking the programme of hybrid castor to logical ends choice of suitable parents through careful and critical evaluation of current
hybrid seed production in castor by dlagoriya in Topics > Books – Fiction
practicability of indigenous castor seeds for production of biodiesel and partial replacement of petro diesel. The crude oil was extracted with the help of mechanical expeller and free fatty acids were reduced with acid esterification and biodiesel produced through transesterification process. The total quantity of extracted crude oil from castor seeds was 45.8%, press cake 40% and losses 14.2
safflower sun flower, Castor mustard etc. Fibres like Cotton, Kenaf, Jute etc. Major breeding procedures for development of hybrids / varieties of various crops. Plant Genetic resources their conservation and utilization in crop improvement. Ideotype concept in crop improvement. Breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses; variability in pathogens and pests. Mechanisms of resistance
Certified Production of Hybrid Canola and Rapeseed . 5 – 2. 5.2 . SEED REQUIREMENTS. 5.2.1 Breeder or Foundation status seed must be used to establish all stands of Hybrid Canola and Hybrid Rapeseed for pedigreeing. 5.2.2 The direction of the cross of a Hybrid Canola or Hybrid Rapeseed or composite variety must remain unchanged throughout the certification of the variety unless adequate …
Production Technology. Some of important technical aspects of hybrid seed production of important field crops are as below:

Study on consumer behaviour of the farmers and market
Castor Oil Properties Uses and Optimization of

Castor oil is extracted from the seed of the castor oil plant, whose botanical name is ricinus communis. While it was Cayce who brought castor oil packs to fame in the 20th century, the oil has a long and varied history of use as a healing agent in folk medicine around the world. According to a research report in a recent issue of the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, castor bean seeds
Demonstrate the production of Castor bean and Jatropha on mined bauxite soils to the farming community The castor bean plant (Ricinus communis) has been cultivated for centuries • Thought to be native to tropical Africa and India • Seeds contain 35 to 55% oil, depending on variety • The oil has been made famous all over the world for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties
Castor Varieties:- The varieties (cultivars) of castor differ in the branching habits of plant, colour of the stem and branches, the nature of capsules , duration, the size of seed and oil content. Here are some of the high yielding castor varieties available in India; NPH-1, GAUCH-4, YRCH 1,TMV 5, TMV 6, CO 1 …
Orientation Training on Hybrid Seed Production in Castor Hybrid Castor Seed is available for sale from 02.05.2018 List of candidates appeared for the T-1 Examination
A field experiment was conducted at Main Pearl millet Research Station, JAU, Jamnagar, in a required isolation with 3:1 row ratio of female (JP-65) and male (JI-96) parents of castor hybrid GCH-6 in three dates of sowing (1st fortnight of August, September and October) during kharif seasons of 2007 and 2008 to study the effect of chemicals on
A tonne of castor seed generated about 53% of kernel for LSV compared to 49% kernel in SSV indicating a higher waste stream for SSV. The fibrous seed coat …
India is the world’s largest producer of castor seed and meets most of the global demand for castor oil, contributing over 60% of the entire global production. The shiny seeds of castor plants have very beautiful and intricate designs.
practices hybrid castor seed production can generate a net profit of about Rs 44,180 per acre as against Rs.8, 155/- in the normal bulk crop. Same was shown in the following table.
area and 82 per cent of castor seed production of the country. The productivity is highest in Gujarat because more than 90 per cent cultivated areas are under castor hybrids grown under irrigated condition. The hybrids are well adopted by the farmers because of their high production potentiality over local varieties and the crop becoming very remunerative to the farmers. Gujarat is pioneer in
quality hybrid seed production by regulation of sex expression in castor (ricinus communis l.) Publisher: ACHARYA N.G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, RAJENDRANAGAR, HYDERABAD

Castor bean Production
SEED TECHNOLOGY Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University

The growing of hybrid castor seeds is slowing increasing due to good market prices for the seeds. It can protect burns and wounds from infection. It can protect burns and wounds from infection. The land to be used for seed production of this purpose must be free from volunteer plants.
hybrid seed production of castor ppt manufacturers and hybrid seed production of castor ppt suppliers Directory – Find hybrid seed production of castor ppt Manufacturers, Exporters and hybrid seed production of castor ppt suppliers on
A tonne of castor seed generated about 53% of kernel for LSV compared to 49% kernel in SSV indicating a higher waste stream for SSV. The fibrous seed coat …
Castor is a fast growing ever-green shrub that produces seeds with a high oil content (35-55%). Cold pressing yields 30-36% oil measured by weight. Warm pressing (>70°C) yields 38-48%.
Castor seed production can be successfully taken up on any type of soil provided they are fairly deep, fertile and well drained. In general all castor genotypes more particularly the female lines cannot tolerate alkalinity/salinity hence avoid such problematic soils.
safflower sun flower, Castor mustard etc. Fibres like Cotton, Kenaf, Jute etc. Major breeding procedures for development of hybrids / varieties of various crops. Plant Genetic resources their conservation and utilization in crop improvement. Ideotype concept in crop improvement. Breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses; variability in pathogens and pests. Mechanisms of resistance
hybrid canola seed production aims to produce seed with hybrid vigour from the first cross of two distinct parent varieties; it is a labour intensive and expensive process. the ‘female’ parent, which produces the hybrid seed, is male sterile; that is, its flowers have no pollen. this ensures seed is only produced by out-crossing with another ‘male’ as it cannot self-pollinate. Bees are
of temperature regimes is a prerequisite for hybrid seed production. Taking the programme of hybrid castor to logical ends choice of suitable parents through careful and critical evaluation of current
Interested in Oil / Biofuel crop cultivation? No, matter, whether you have got access to small scale or large scale castor seed oil production project, Now you have easy access to plant world’s most high productivity oil crop AGF HYBRID CASTOR SEEDS.
Demonstrate the production of Castor bean and Jatropha on mined bauxite soils to the farming community The castor bean plant (Ricinus communis) has been cultivated for centuries • Thought to be native to tropical Africa and India • Seeds contain 35 to 55% oil, depending on variety • The oil has been made famous all over the world for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties
area and 82 per cent of castor seed production of the country. The productivity is highest in Gujarat because more than 90 per cent cultivated areas are under castor hybrids grown under irrigated condition. The hybrids are well adopted by the farmers because of their high production potentiality over local varieties and the crop becoming very remunerative to the farmers. Gujarat is pioneer in
area under castor cultivation and hybrid seed production by GSSCL were collected from GSSCL, Gandhinagar. The estimated seed requirement (demand) was calculated @ 5 Kg/ha seed rate which is recommended seed rate for castor hybrid by S.D. Agricultural University and to find dealers margin of hybrid castor seed, popularly available brands in the market were enlisted and the questionnaire was

Castor Seed Report C Ricinus communis L.)
Stability of pistillateness in hybrid seed parents of

Hybrid Seed Production in Difference Crops: • Floral biology, seed production planning, land and isolating requirements, wild pollinators, special agronomic practices, maintenance of varietals purity, field
Mixing Jatropha and Castor can reduce production risks and during an upstart phase Castor can give full yields in the first year(s) whereas Jatropha yields will reach their maximum yield after five to eight years. The low value of the seed cake due to its toxicity reduces the overall profitability of Castor compared to non-toxic oil crops where the press cake can be sold as a high-protein
Castor is a fast growing ever-green shrub that produces seeds with a high oil content (35-55%). Cold pressing yields 30-36% oil measured by weight. Warm pressing (>70°C) yields 38-48%.
Production and Characterization of Biodiesel from Ricinus Communis Seeds Okechukwu R.I., Iwuchukwu A.C. and Anuforo H.U. Department of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State, NIGERIA
Land to be used for seed production shall be free of volunteer plants. In addition the field should be well- drained and soil well aerated. Castor is an often cross- pollinated crop. Cross-pollination by wind varies from 5 to 36 percent according to the prevailing climatic conditions. For pure seed
hybrid canola seed production aims to produce seed with hybrid vigour from the first cross of two distinct parent varieties; it is a labour intensive and expensive process. the ‘female’ parent, which produces the hybrid seed, is male sterile; that is, its flowers have no pollen. this ensures seed is only produced by out-crossing with another ‘male’ as it cannot self-pollinate. Bees are

(PDF) Genetic purity assessment of castor hybrids using

Demonstrate the production of Castor bean and Jatropha on mined bauxite soils to the farming community Castor seed stored at 5 to 7. 0. C temperature for 6 months reduced the germination from 93 to 3%. • Introduction of foundation seed from Brazil in order to maintain seed viability and varietal integrity. Improvngi Lives Through Agrciultura lResearch . Land preparation • Plough or
practices hybrid castor seed production can generate a net profit of about Rs 44,180 per acre as against Rs.8, 155/- in the normal bulk crop. Same was shown in the following table.
ECONOMICS OF HYBRID SEED PRODUCTION: In general the production of hybrid castor is a good beneficial preposition. We obtained total of 540 kg of hybrid seeds (from female parent) and 300 kg of DCS-9 (male parent) seeds and were sent to DOR, Hyderabad. They did the final cleaning and sieving and obtained 434 kg of good quality hybrid seeds and 285 kg seed of DCS-9. An expenditure of Rs. …
Castor Seed Report astor (Ricinus communis L.) is a non edible oilseed, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. India is the leader in global castor production and dominates in international castor …
Castor is a fast growing ever-green shrub that produces seeds with a high oil content (35-55%). Cold pressing yields 30-36% oil measured by weight. Warm pressing (>70°C) yields 38-48%.
hybrid seed production of castor ppt manufacturers and hybrid seed production of castor ppt suppliers Directory – Find hybrid seed production of castor ppt Manufacturers, Exporters and hybrid seed production of castor ppt suppliers on
Abstract. Hybrid varieties are the first-generation offspring of a cross between parents with contrasting genotypes. A hybrid variety differs from a variety produced by hybridization as described in Chapter 10 for self-pollinated crops.
of temperature regimes is a prerequisite for hybrid seed production. Taking the programme of hybrid castor to logical ends choice of suitable parents through careful and critical evaluation of current
Interested in Oil / Biofuel crop cultivation? No, matter, whether you have got access to small scale or large scale castor seed oil production project, Now you have easy access to plant world’s most high productivity oil crop AGF HYBRID CASTOR SEEDS.
Castor seed Seasonal Report Castor (Ricinus communis L.) is a non edible oilseed, belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. India is the leader in global castor production and dominates in international castor …


7 Replies to “Hybrid seed production in castor pdf”

  1. Abstract. Hybrid varieties are the first-generation offspring of a cross between parents with contrasting genotypes. A hybrid variety differs from a variety produced by hybridization as described in Chapter 10 for self-pollinated crops.

    Castor Oil Properties Uses and Optimization of
    CASTOR.docx Flowers Petal

  2. production of castor seeds in Gujarat during 2007-08 is 6,51,000 tones, it has increased by 32% as compared to previous year. (Anonymous.2007-08) Recent data of area and production of the district shows that, areas under castor cultivation have been increased however the yield is downfall year by year. Therefore, there is a wide gap between the average yield of farmer’s field and the

    Report on Orientation Training on Hybrid Seed Production

  3. Castor is a fast growing ever-green shrub that produces seeds with a high oil content (35-55%). Cold pressing yields 30-36% oil measured by weight. Warm pressing (>70°C) yields 38-48%.

    hybrid seed production in castor SlideShare

  4. Abstract. Hybrid varieties are the first-generation offspring of a cross between parents with contrasting genotypes. A hybrid variety differs from a variety produced by hybridization as described in Chapter 10 for self-pollinated crops.

    Castor bean Production
    Study of Heterosis for Seed Yield and its Component Traits
    Productivity and Efficient Support Systems in Rainfed

  5. quality hybrid seed production by regulation of sex expression in castor (ricinus communis l.) Publisher: ACHARYA N.G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, RAJENDRANAGAR, HYDERABAD

    CASTOR (Ricinus communis SeedNet
    Castor Oil Properties Uses and Optimization of
    CASTOR.docx Flowers Petal

  6. Castor seed production can be successfully taken up on any type of soil provided they are fairly deep, fertile and well drained. In general all castor genotypes more particularly the female lines cannot tolerate alkalinity/salinity hence avoid such problematic soils.

    Orientation Training on Hybrid Seed Production in Castor
    Breeding Hybrids SpringerLink
    Study of Heterosis for Seed Yield and its Component Traits

  7. Production of Hybrid Castor Seed: For production of single cross hybrid seed, lines giving a 1:1 ratio of pistil late and heterozygous monoecious plants are used. In the crossing plot the latter are rogued out one to five days before flowering begins.

    Breeding Hybrids SpringerLink
    Ricinus Wikipedia

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